My most popular longboard clip
13 millions views on Facebook !! Super stoked about this clip which has been featured on People are awesome channel last year. This clip...

The hustle and bustle of city life can be draining. Often blinded by our daily routines we lose sight of what really matters. I'm no...

Trick tip | AERO FLIP (Fr)
Découvrez comment réaliser la figure Aero Flip dans ce petit tuto paru dans l'émission de sports extremes de France Ô : Riding Zone. La...
Skates and wheels invaded Cortefiel's flagship store in Barcelona
On saturday october 24th, the fashion Brand Cortefiel invited skaters and longboarders to celebrate the opening of their new flagship...

Freestyle dancing demo at Cortefiel's flagship store opening event
The spanish fashion brand Cortefiel opened a new flagship store in Barcelona . To celebrate this opening and also the launch of their new...