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SYCLD | Longboard dance world championship 2016

Last april 2nd and 3rd were 2 special days . The 4th edition of "So you can longboard dance" longboard dancing world championship was held in Eindhoven by our friend Bianca (Spots and locals) .

What a weekend ! I was so stoked to see all the happy faces and talented riders again this year and also to witness the huge evolution of the worldwide longboard dancing community.

Here are the results of the dancing Freestyle competition :

World championship men podium :

1) Brenno GOMES Bekker @brennobrelviss / (Brasil)

2) Do Young @doyoung_gwon / (Korea)

3) Lotfi Lamaali @lotfiwoodwalker / (France)

4) Nil Bellmunt @Nil_bellmunt / (Spain)

World championship Women podium: 1) Deborah Keser @deborah_keser / (Germany)

2) Giulia Alfeo / (Germany)

3) Femke Bosma @femkebosma / NL

Shout-out to @spotsandlocals (Bianca Kiersten) for making this wonderful contest happen, to Guleed yusuf for all the energy he put on hosting the event ( best MC around I tell ya) , to the judges who had I'm pretty sure a tough time judging too much awesome killer riders. Thumb up to all the competitors girls and boys from all over the world who shredded hard this weekend.

The longboard dancing ( despite all of those who think that it's "not even a thing") is gaining momentum over the years and it's already a "big deal" I tell ya

Photos Credit : Spin Magazine | Clement Derrey | Tobias Seifert


Some of my runs :

Video recap by "Riding Adventures" :

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